COM 227 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric - Assignment Nation (2024)

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COM 227 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric

Overview: Journal activities in this course are private between you and the instructor and are generally made up of individual assignments. Journal activities are designed to help you make meaningful connections between the course content and the larger goals of this course. These journals are meant to offer you a real- world glimpse of public relations, as well as the opportunity to put your critical-thinking skills to work by expressing your thoughts in response to the questions assigned for you to answer.

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COM 227 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric

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Prompt: To begin this journal assignment, choose an industry that you would like to focus on for your Final Project: the Creation and Evaluation of a Public Relations Campaign. Then, use the first step in the PR process, research, to gather information on how public relations (PR) professional ethical codes, such as the PRSA Member Code of Ethics and IABC Code of Ethics for Professional Communicators, guide decision making on:

1. Conflicts of interest 2. Competition among professionals 3. Dissemination of accurate and truthful information

Then, develop a journal assignment that provides two pieces of ethics code content for each of the three ethics research areas above.

Additionally, locate one current event from the past 12 months related to your chosen industry for conflicts of interest, competition, or dissemination of information that illustrates decision-making behavior according to or against the professional codes.

Components of this journal assignment will assist you in completing critical elements I.A–D in your final project submission. You will be creating slides about this information for your final project submission. It is important to incorporate feedback from this activity into your final project.


Guidelines for Submission: Submit assignment as a Microsoft Word document with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Include AP style in-text citations for each piece of research material included in your journal assignment, whether paraphrased or quoted directly, and also add to the reference page. Your journal assignment should be 250–500 words in length.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Conflicts of Interest

Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes detailed, relevant examples

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on conflicts of interest

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on conflicts of interest but ethics code content is inappropriate and/or lacks detail

Does not describe how ethics code content guides decision making on conflicts of interest


Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Competition Among


Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes detailed, relevant examples

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on competition among professionals

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on competition among professionals but ethics code content is inappropriate and/or lacks detail

Does not describe how ethics code content guides decision making on competition among professionals


Dissemination of Accurate and

Truthful Information

Meets “Proficient” criteria and includes detailed, relevant examples

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on dissemination of accurate and truthful information

Describes how ethics code content gathered from research guides decision making on dissemination of accurate and truthful information, but is inaccurate or incomplete

Does not describe how ethics code content guides decision making on dissemination of accurate and truthful information


Articulation of Response

Journal assignment is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax and organization and is presented in an easy-to-read format

Journal assignment submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax or organization

Journal assignment submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Journal assignment submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


Total 100%

  • COM 227 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric
    • Rubric

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Our essay writers are graduates with bachelor's, masters, Ph.D., and doctorate degrees in various subjects. The minimum requirement to be an essay writer with our essay writing service is to have a college degree. All our academic writers have a minimum of two years of academic writing. We have a stringent recruitment process to ensure that we get only the most competent essay writers in the industry. We also ensure that the writers are handsomely compensated for their value. The majority of our writers are native English speakers. As such, the fluency of language and grammar is impeccable.

What if I don’t like the paper?

There is a very low likelihood that you won’t like the paper.

Reasons being:

  • When assigning your order, we match the paper’s discipline with the writer’s field/specialization. Since all our writers are graduates, we match the paper’s subject with the field the writer studied. For instance, if it’s a nursing paper, only a nursing graduate and writer will handle it. Furthermore, all our writers have academic writing experience and top-notch research skills.
  • We have a quality assurance that reviews the paper before it gets to you. As such, we ensure that you get a paper that meets the required standard and will most definitely make the grade.

In the event that you don’t like your paper:

  • The writer will revise the paper up to your pleasing. You have unlimited revisions. You simply need to highlight what specifically you don’t like about the paper, and the writer will make the amendments. The paper will be revised until you are satisfied. Revisions are free of charge
  • We will have a different writer write the paper from scratch.
  • Last resort, if the above does not work, we will refund your money.

Will the professor find out I didn’t write the paper myself?

Not at all. All papers are written from scratch. There is no way your tutor or instructor will realize that you did not write the paper yourself. In fact, we recommend using our assignment help services for consistent results.

What if the paper is plagiarized?

We check all papers for plagiarism before we submit them. We use powerful plagiarism checking software such as SafeAssign, LopesWrite, and Turnitin. We also upload the plagiarism report so that you can review it. We understand that plagiarism is academic suicide. We would not take the risk of submitting plagiarized work and jeopardize your academic journey. Furthermore, we do not sell or use prewritten papers, and each paper is written from scratch.

When will I get my paper?

You determine when you get the paper by setting the deadline when placing the order. All papers are delivered within the deadline. We are well aware that we operate in a time-sensitive industry. As such, we have laid out strategies to ensure that the client receives the paper on time and they never miss the deadline. We understand that papers that are submitted late have some points deducted. We do not want you to miss any points due to late submission. We work on beating deadlines by huge margins in order to ensure that you have ample time to review the paper before you submit it.

Will anyone find out that I used your services?

We have a privacy and confidentiality policy that guides our work. We NEVER share any customer information with third parties. Noone will ever know that you used our assignment help services. It’s only between you and us. We are bound by our policies to protect the customer’s identity and information. All your information, such as your names, phone number, email, order information, and so on, are protected. We have robust security systems that ensure that your data is protected. Hacking our systems is close to impossible, and it has never happened.

How our Assignment Help Service Works

1. Place an order

You fill all the paper instructions in the order form. Make sure you include all the helpful materials so that our academic writers can deliver the perfect paper. It will also help to eliminate unnecessary revisions.

2. Pay for the order

Proceed to pay for the paper so that it can be assigned to one of our expert academic writers. The paper subject is matched with the writer’s area of specialization.

3. Track the progress

You communicate with the writer and know about the progress of the paper. The client can ask the writer for drafts of the paper. The client can upload extra material and include additional instructions from the lecturer. Receive a paper.

4. Download the paper

The paper is sent to your email and uploaded to your personal account. You also get a plagiarism report attached to your paper.

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COM 227 Module Two Journal Guidelines and Rubric - Assignment Nation (2024)


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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.