Fate is a fickle mistress - Chapter 1 - Liu Su Mian Hua (Applesmylife123) - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)

Chapter Text

The Cultivational world was in an uproar. Arguments and accusations were being thrown left and right. Shocking revelation after revelation had appeared. Everyone was at a loss on what to do, with all they had just seen.

Because of the appearance of one woman-

Who claimed to be able to show the future

When she first appeared, trying to sell her practice to some smaller sects, she was met with scorn and mockery. After all, who would have the miraculous power to see the future? Fate is a fickle mistress, and destiny is never set in stone. Not only was it immensely difficult, but fortune telling was also not a widely respected art either. There were only a few that could claim some level of mastery in the field but even their predictions were shoddy and half-true at best. But this woman claimed to know it all, with perfect accuracy.

They laughed in her face.

If such a person truly existed, wouldn’t the world have known about them sooner? Surely, they would be some great, aloof immortal, not a nameless woman, spewing false claims. Everyone agreed she was nothing more than a fraud trying to make quick money.

For the sake of getting a good laugh, some cultivators agreed to humor this crazed woman.

However, what they saw-

Was unbelievable, to say the least.

The woman did not just speak of the future, she showed it to them. In vivid images, where even the finest hair of one’s scalp could be seen.

It was as though someone had taken a reflection of the world around them, and truly depicted the whims of destiny, with an undeniable level of realism.

But it still was not enough for them to believe her. Some were displeased by what they had been shown, and accused the woman of trickery and demonic arts, conjuring up wicked illusions.
And then-

They came to pass. Every event the woman showed, happened. Without fail. More and more people flocked to her, to get their destiny read. Some she accepted, some she turned away, for reasons unknown.

Her reputation grew larger and larger until it reached the ears of the Great Sects. They had all heard of a mysterious woman who claimed to be able to show the future.

Even immortals cannot resist such a temptation, so a meeting was convened, and the woman was summoned.

Cang Qiong Mountain Sect- the behemoth at the pinnacle of the cultivational world, Tian Yi overlook- the masters of the Taoist world, Zhao Hua Temple- the detached monks on the peak of Nirvana, and Huan Hua Palace- the opulent might that lead the charge against demon scourge.

The 4 great sects, accompanied by numerous smaller sects- almost the entirety of the cultivational world, were gathering in the enormous halls of Huan Hua Palace, all for meeting this mysterious woman.

The last time such a communion happened was nearly 12 years ago, in a battle that shook the 3 realms- The siege of the Tian-Lang Jun, the last heavenly demon, and demon emperor.

Numerous smaller sects had already arrived and were eagerly waiting in the hall, with hushed excitement, not only for the arrival of Fortune-Teller but the Great Sects, that they had heard so much about.

Huan Hua Palace, being the hosts, were the first to enter and take their place.
The Palace master walked in, commanding the respect of the entire hall. He was accompanied by his daughter- an arrogant-looking girl, and 3 young disciples, who seemed to be the little palace mistresses’ playmates.

“Oh, it’s the Palace Master!”

“And his daughter! She will surely grow up to be a fine woman!”

“Those girls accompanying her have the makings of illustrious cultivators”, said an older woman, nodding in approval.

“Qin Wanrong and Qin Wanyue. Daughters of the Qin family.”, piped a young man.

“Who is that boy next to her? He’s quite adorable”, giggled a few teenage female cultivators.

“Gongyi Xiao, the favorite of the Old Palace master, and betrothed to the young mistress. Quite a lucky young man. Exceptionally talented too, if I recall”, said a middle-aged minor sect leader, looking at the Huan Hua delegation with an envious but approving glance.

The other 3 great sects were yet to arrive, and everyone was watching the doors in anticipation.

A tall and powerful-looking man, wearing Huan Hua Palace robes, stood at the enormous, gilded entrance, announcing everyone’s arrivals.

“Announcing the arrival of the Kang Lin clan- accompanied by sect leader Kang Bai and his 2 senior disciples.”

“Aiya, is that Kang Bai? The last time I saw him he was just a boy! He’s already a sect leader! How time goes by!”

More and more prominent figures of the cultivation world arrived, and there was a festive atmosphere in the hall, as friends reunited- and enemies bickered.
Aside from the Immortal Alliance Conferences, the rest of the sects never interacted on such a large basis.

The guests chattered away, getting comfortable in their seats, and tended to by Huan Hua’s numerous servants. Some had never experienced the luxury of a great sect and enviously eyed the Palace Halls.
The seating was such that the smaller sects, were on the ground floor of the hall, while the great sects had been provided private balconies overlooking the hall. Only the balcony for Huan Hua had been filled, as the other great sects had not arrived yet, but were eagerly awaited.

“When will Cang Qiong arrive? I want to see that famous war god!”

“Zhao Hua temple’s Grandmaster will be attending right?”

“Announcing the arrival of Madam Mo Xieren, from the noble family of Mo, accompanied by her son Mo Ziyuan, and 20 servants.”

“Mo Xieren? She’s not even a cultivator, why does she get such a grand entrance?”

“It’s money, it’s all money. She’s bathed in riches, and such a grand event, even Huan Hua palace needs funds to organize. They invited her with such pomp and splendor to fuel her arrogance.”

“You’re right, look at that woman, she doesn’t even care to acknowledge any of the cultivators.”

Mo Xieren gave the Palace Master a half nod of respect and pompously took her place in one of the numerous balconies reserved for the great sects. The old man’s lips momentarily curled in displeasure seeing her conduct, but he quickly gave a gracious smile and went over to greet her. After all, she had agreed to partially fund the grand event hosted by Huan Hua. Accommodating so many people for an unknown span of time was no easy task, even for the richest sect! Besides, this event was organized rather grandly, as Huan Hua did not want to waste any chance to exhibit their wealth.

“Ahahaha, look at that, the little palace mistress is fuming! I bet she had never seen anyone ignore her like that!”

Mo Ziyuan gave the cultivators in the hall an arrogant sneer as he sat by his mother.
He had tried to cultivate when he was younger but had failed miserably due to not only being untalented, but lazy and lacking in discipline. His mother had gotten numerous teachers for him, but they all declared him unfit and unwilling to learn. He had even been provided the best pills and cultivational aids, but he simply did not have the will nor the mindset to be capable. Not everyone could be a cultivator after all.
At first, he didn’t particularly care, glad to finally be free of the strenuous work cultivating required, but as he grew older, a bitterness seeded into his heart when he saw how much respect and admiration cultivators got. He grew unbearably envious because his arrogance would not permit other people to be above him.
So what if these cultivators hunted demons and rose to immortality? He was still better than them! They were low-borns, while he was the young master of the noble Mo family!

From his seat in the upper area, he scoffed at the cultivators, holding his head high, contempt rising at the sight of them. At least he was given a seat of importance. With that thought calming his ego, he settled into his seat and gave one last condescending glare.
His attitude had not gone unnoticed, but no one could voice their outrage in the face of the Mo family’s power or in the presence of the Palace Master.

A few more non-cultivating and cultivating noble families arrived, all of them probably sponsors of the event and with ties to the reigning Imperial family- to keep an eye on the proceedings. They joined the Mo family in the upper seating area. None were as arrogant as the Mo’s, but a sense of disdain was felt towards them, nonetheless.

“Announcing the arrival of Tian Yi Overlook, accompanied by Sect Leader Huang Lan and 20 disciples.”

At the mention of a great sect, the excitement increased, as everyone strained their necks to get a glimpse of the esteemed cultivators, dressed in aqua blue Taoist robes.

“Oh my! It’s the Silent Cobra, Huang Lan! He looks even more regal in person!”

“The Silent Cobra”, was a nickname he had earned for being a man of few words, but very deadly if the situation required it. The rumors said that he had taken down a group of trouble-making demons, all without uttering a single word. He was said to be a stern, austere man, of fair judgment, and good character.

“I heard he only ever talks through his martial sister- Lai Wei- that bright energetic lady standing next to him.”

The said lady was currently laughing raucously with her fellow sect members, walking to their seats, while Huang Lan walked to pay his respects to the Old Palace Master. The hem of her blue robes was silver in color, indicating her rank among top authorities of the sect, 2nd only to the Sect Master himself, whose robes had a gold hem.

Huang Lan bowed to the Palace Master, but his eyes were distracted, following Lai Wei and his disciples, with the slightest hint of affection, before returning to a steel cold gaze.

Tian Yi Overlook was 3rd place in power, among all the sects of the cultivation world, hence titled one of the 4 great sects. They were the leading Taoist Sect, known especially for their special elixirs and medicines. Pills and potions refined at Tian Yi were in high demand all over the cultivation world- while their only possible rival in the art of medicine was Qian Cao Peak of Cang Qiong.

Before everyone could get over the excitement at the arrival of Tian Yi Overlook, the doors opened again, and the noise elevated, indicating the arrival of another Great Sect.

“Announcing the arrival of Zhao Hua Temple- accompanied by Great Master Wu Chen, Master Wu Wang, Master Wu Huan, and 10 senior disciples!”

A trio of older men dressed in white walked in, a placid expression on their faces, mirrored in their younger disciples behind them. The oldest looking man with a long white beard and lightly hunched back was Grand Master Wu Chen.

“Zhao Hua Temple is here as well!!”

“That makes it 3 out of the 4 great sects!”

“Ah, I’ve always wanted to meet Great Master Wu Chen! I have heard he is truly a magnanimous man of great character!”, exclaimed an excited young cultivator, bobbing his head to get a look at the old monk, who was greeting the other Sect Leaders.

“ Master Wu Wang is meant to be the Grandmaster’s successor right?”

“No, I think it’s Master Wu Huan, I heard Wu Wang’s temperament is not suitable!”, whispered a young cultivator, eager to gossip.

“Speak with some respect, will you? These are venerable masters, who are you to judge them?”

“And who are you to speak to my Shidi like that?”, shouted the man next to the young cultivator, who looked abashed.

Before a fight could begin, Grand Master Wu Chen simply looked over at the bickering cultivators and bowed his head in acknowledgment, a small smile on his kind-looking face. At the sight of such humbleness, they couldn’t help but grow quiet, and slowly break apart, resorting to just shooting dirty glares. After all, it was a well-known fact that Zhao Hua temple was not fond of violence- to fight in front of them would be quite disrespectful.

Zhao Hua Temple was led by a council of old abbots, headed by the Grand Master Wu Chen. They ranked 2nd among the 4 great sects and were known for their Buddhist philosophies, and monastic nature. Most of the students of Zhao Hua temple were monks and were exceptionally righteous. They could always be trusted for a fair and unbiased judgment and virtuous character. Not to mention, it was one of the oldest sects and filled with ancient records. The libraries of Zhao Hua temple were a treasure trove of knowledge.

Once again, after Zhao Hua Temple had arrived, the hall grew in energy, but even more enthusiastic than before, because there was only one great sect yet to arrive- and they were also the one that everyone was most excited to see.
They had heard many things about Cang Qiong and its 12 Peak Lords- from salacious rumors to tales of heroism. Many of the minor sects and rogue cultivators had never seen members of the Great Sects- so there was a certain excitement in meeting the leaders of the one said to be the most powerful.

“When is Cang Qiong coming??”

“They are the number one cultivation sect, right?”

“Just because they are the most powerful doesn’t mean they can be late!”

“Ha, who would dare reprimand the most powerful sect for being late? Besides, it isn’t that they’re late, we’re just early!”

A few minor sect leaders and the Old Palace master caught those words, and their expressions turned sour.

“Are all the 12 Peak Lords coming?”

“No, I think only 6 or 7 of them are, the others are staying behind to take care of the Sect.”

“But Sect Master Yue is coming right!?”

“The thought of being in the presence of the Xuan Su sword is so exciting!”

“I heard this generation of Cang Qiong’s Peak Lords are the strongest yet!”

“Of course, they are, just look at Yue Qingyuan! As a senior disciple, he was able to deliver the finishing blow to Tian Lang Jun!”

“And Liu Qingge! Bai Zhan Peak Lord is so young but he’s called the War God!”

“Ai they’re all quite young! They only ascended to the position of Peak Lord some 9 or 10 years ago.”

Hearing the copious amounts of praise Cang Qiong received made some of the other sect leaders wallow in bitterness. There would always be those who envied the cultivational world's unshakeable sun. Powerful, ever-present, out of reach, and unbeatable.

Suddenly the doors to the great hall opened, and a wave of muttering and shouts entered the hall.

A large group of people stood at the doors, headed by a man in white, and ready to enter.

Xuan Su Sword, Yue Qingyuan!!

“Sect Master Yue is here!!”

“Finally! Cang Qiong Mountain Sect is here!”

The announcer spoke up, his voice even louder and booming to be heard over the enormous din in the hall, caused by the entrance of Cang Qiong.

“Announcing the arrival of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect, accompanied by-

“Sect Master and Qiong Ding Peak Lord, Yue Qingyuan!”

A gentle and serenely handsome-looking man, with a kind smile, stood at the front of the group, dressed in white and grey robes. Behind him, were a few of his disciples, stoic and obedient.
There were glances of awe and nods of admiration and respect, as they watched the most powerful man in the cultivational world walk by. Xuan Su was sheathed at his side, but its immense power could still be felt. The thought of it being drawn made some people dizzy.

What a powerful man. And he was so young as well! Sect Leader Yue was truly a once-in-a-century prodigy.
A few sighs of longing and flirtatious grins could also be seen- after all, not only was Yue Qingyuan the leader of the most powerful sect, but also a gracious, wonderful man, and unbelievably handsome! He was truly a catch! Anyone would be lucky to marry him!

“Qing Jing Peak Lord, Shen Qingqiu!”

A haughty look painted the face of an indescribably elegant and beautiful man, as he surveyed the hall, a harsh coldness fixed in his gaze. He was dressed in exquisite green robes, reflecting the mesmerizing shade of his eyes. If Yue Qingyuan seemed humble and down to earth, Shen Qingqiu appeared unbelievably aloof and distant from mortal matters. The Qing Jing Peak Lord truly had the air of an immortal.
His disciples, also dressed in green, trailed behind him.

Whispers could be heard, both condemning and praising the most controversial Peak Lord.

“Shen Qingqiu… I didn’t think a man could be so beautiful!”

“Right? He looks so scholarly and refined!”, giggled a cultivator from the Kang Lin Sect.

“Ha, refined? Don’t make me laugh. I heard that he’s a pompous, spoiled young master that can’t bear to be apart from his whor*s. “

Many people had heard of the rumors of the Qing Jing Peak Lord frequenting brothels, but they didn’t know how true they were. Some couldn’t believe it at all, that a man of Shen Qingqiu’s stature would even visit brothels, while others, eager to leap at any chance to mock those they envied, wholeheartedly believed it.

“Shhh, don’t slander him!”

“What if he hears you!?”

“So what if he does? What will he do?”, laughed the man that had started the comments against the Qing Jing Peak Lord.

A few good-hearted cultivators that held a lot of respect for Cang Qiong, turned to frown at the man. He seemed to be the sect leader of the minor Ba Qi Sect.

“I also heard that he plays dirty tricks and cheated his way to the top! He doesn’t get along with his martial siblings either! The only thing he has going for him is his face-”

Before the man could finish that vulgar sentence, a piercing glare was sent his way, intense enough to instantly make him shut up, and cower in his seat. With such a high level of cultivation, there was no way Shen Qingqiu’s heightened senses had not heard the man speaking.

Seeing that he who was saying such audacious, vile things stopped talking with just one chilling gaze from the Peak Lord, the people around him could not help but laugh in mockery.
“He only dares to say such things behind his back, he’s too frightened to say it in front of him”, giggled a group of female cultivators, watching the man with disdain.
He flushed and shrunk into his seat, seething in embarrassment.

Shen Qingqiu! You think you’re so great!? I’ll show you!

He had met the man once during a conference, back when they were both still disciples. Remembering the humiliating memories from that time. made him grit his teeth in anger.

You haven’t changed at all! Still an arrogant bastard!

“Wan Jian Peak Lord, Wei Qingwei!”

A playful-looking man, with a mischievous glint and charming demeanor, winked at a few female cultivators, causing them to blush.
Wei Qingwei was a famous weapons master and was known for forging some incredibly powerful swords. Numerous cultivators had tried to place an order for a sword from Wan Jian Peak, but only those of Cang Qiong Mountain Sect would receive the powerful, specially forged swords. The swords available for purchase by outsiders were of good quality, but not nearly as powerful as the ones wielded by the Peak Lords and head disciples of Cang Qiong. It was incredibly beneficial to be able to manufacture their own weaponry- and it was part of the reason why Cang Qiong was so strong. Each of the Peak their roles, and were indispensable in the smooth running of the sect. In fact, an individual Peak had the same power as a relatively medium-sized sect- Cang Qiong truly was a powerhouse without equal.

“Wasn’t Xuan Su forged on Wan Jian Peak?”

“That’s right! It was made by the Peak Lord of Wan Jian 5 generations ago. It was so powerful, and would take no master all these years until Yue Qingyuan came along!”

“An Ding Peak Lord, Shang Qinghua!”

At the sound of his name, a nervous-looking man gave an awkward grin, adjusting the collar of his robes. Although he had a much weaker presence and cultivation than the rest of his martial siblings, he was still a Peak Lord of Cang Qiong and drew respect from those around him. Many had heard of how efficient, organized, and hard-working the An Ding Peak Lord was. To those that were accustomed doing all the grunt work, and then receiving minimal appreciation, Shang Qinghua was someone that was deeply admired.

“Xian Shu Peak Lord, Qi Qingqi!”

A stunning yet fierce-looking woman glided in. At the sight of Qi Qingqi, the fairy of Cang Qiong, most of the men turned a deep red and gaped at the beautiful woman making her way through the hall. What was this goddess-like beauty? Her eyes were also so fierce and powerful, that their hearts couldn’t help but flutter. Her very presence commanded attention and respect.

She was accompanied by a few disciples. The one that stood out the most was the veiled girl at the front of the group. Some people recognized her as the War God’s younger sister- Liu Mingyan. Most had heard of the rumors about why she always wore a veil- because her face was simply too beautiful to be seen without it. Those rumors seemed to be true because even though only half of Liu Mingyan’s face was seen, it was more than enough to send people in a frenzy.

Many female cultivators both envied and admired Qi Qinggi. They desired to be her, and at the same time, wished to join her. A peak full of beautiful and powerful women; to enter Xian Shu Peak was a dream and honor for many.

In fact, many cultivators from smaller sects had joined this event for the sake of possibly getting recruited into one of the great sects.

“Bai Zhan Peak Lord, Liu Qingge- accompanied by Liu Zhihao, the matriarch of the Liu family!”

At the sight of Liu Qingge, there were roars of appreciation from the men. There were numerous tales of his valor and might- he was said to be the manliest of men! However, at his appearance, many blinked in surprise. They had expected a gruff and muscly man, but instead, the famed War God appeared rather…. beautiful? Pretty?

However, despite his soft appearance, he exuded power, Cheng Luan vibrating with energy at his side. It was clear that he was truly one of the most powerful cultivators, 2nd to perhaps only Yue Qingyuan, and worthy of his title as “War God”.
There were many dressed similarly to him, in white robes and a ponytail, eager to emulate their idol- most of them teenage boys who longed to join Bai Zhan.

Liu Qingge’s appearance was truly striking, exceedingly handsome! He was a prodigious cultivator, heir to an esteemed family, a Peak Lord of Cang Qiong, and most importantly… single!

Like with Yue Qingyuan, there were flirtatious grins, swoons of longing, and a few bold comments. However, unlike Yue Qingyuan, who had simply smiled graciously to the attention, Liu Qingge was growing increasingly redder and visibly awkward, his hand twitching towards Cheng Luan, as though he wanted to cut down whatever was bothering him.

The Liu Matriarch was a stern and dignified looking woman, and showed the vestiges of great beauty, that her children had clearly inherited. She placed a hand on her son’s shoulder, and whispered something in his ear, causing him to tense up even further, and walk faster to his seat.

She motioned his accompanying disciples to follow her, smirking as she watched her son stalk off, recalling what she had just said.

Will I finally get a daughter-in-law now?

She chuckled to herself.

“Qian Cao Peak Lord, Mu Qingfang!”

A peaceful-looking man with a pleasant smile, dressed in green and white robes walked in. Like his martial siblings, he too was quite good-looking, having a warm and amiable appearance that could put one at ease. Mu Qingfang was considered one of the greatest healers of their time, and Qian Cao Peak’s medicines were among the most sought after in the cultivation world.

The Peak Lords paid their respect to the Palace Master, one by one, before settling down in their seats in the balcony. Sect Master Yue sat in the center, and on his sides were Liu Qingge and Shen Qingqiu (who seemed to sit only reluctantly after a few words from Yue Qingyuan). Shang Qinghua, Mu Qingfang, and Wei Qingwei sat together, while Qi Qinggi accompanied Liu Zhihao. Their disciples sat in the seats behind their Peak Lords.

Just as the excitement from the arrival of Cang Qiong had begun to die down, the doors opened once more, and a hooded woman entered.
There was no shouting or excited murmuring this time, but rather a hushed silence, as the famed Fortune Teller glided in.

She was tall and wore loose-fitting robes that swayed with her every movement. Her face, was completely unseen, due to the large hood hanging over her head. She wore gauzy white robes, plain yet elegant. Everyone’s eyes were fixated on the lone figure walking through the hall.

There was silence for a few seconds, aside from the quiet and gradual footsteps from the Fortune- Teller, until she stopped at the center of the hall.

When she slowly lifted her head, everyone scrambled to get a glance at her face.

There was a collective gasp- because she had no face!

But upon a second look, they realized that a flat white mask concealed her entire face, and hid her features, even her eyes, and mouth, making her appear faceless.

For a little while, there were no words, as everyone, simply took in the mysterious presence of the Fortune Teller.

The first to speak was the Huan Hua Palace Master, as the host.

“It is a great honor to have you in our presence, Madam-”

“MingYun”, said the woman, bowing low. Her voice was gravelly and deep, sending shivers down everyone’s spine.

“Lao Gongzhu”, bowed the Fortune-Teller.

“For what purpose has this humble one been summoned for?”

Her speech was garbled and grating, difficult to listen to, but the audience still clung to her every word in anticipation
The Huan Hua Palace Master stood in his seat, commanding the attention of the entire hall.

“12 years ago, we gained an immense victory against the Demon Realm, imprisoning their Emperor TianLang-Jun who had plans to invade the human realm! Only the foresight gained by my disciples allowed us to suppress the danger! Even now, the vile demons lurk everywhere, terrorizing us! For the good of the whole cultivation world, we seek the knowledge of our future! Knowledge that will allow us to fight and defend the human realm! Learning of our future and obtaining this knowledge is not simply for our whims, no, this is for the sake of righteousness!

There were thundering cheers of approval at the Old Palace Master’s words. The whole hall was in an uproar, nodding along wildly, and voicing support. Liu Qingge sat quietly, simply narrowing his eyes, while Yue Qingyuan politely clapped. Shen Qingqiu scoffed and frowned into his fan, an uncomfortable light entering his eyes. He briefly looked at Yue Qingyuan, conveying his doubts, but turning away before he could reply.

The Fortune-Teller let out a low sound- a rather ominous chuckle. Immediately, the hall quieted down, as they followed her movements.

“Then see the future you shall.”, she nodded, pulling out a glowing scroll from within her sleeves.

“But remember that it will come with a price- no one will be spared from the answers provided. Once the process begins, it cannot be stopped. And you cannot leave, nor resort to violence, no matter what you may see. Anyone who tries to break these rules should be….. punished. Do you agree to these terms?”


“Punishment? You dare threaten us?”

“What sort of punishment?”

“You think you can set conditions for us??”

“Please calm down”, said a booming voice.

The cries of outrage started to quiet down, as all eyes turned to Grand Master Wu Chen.

“Madam MingYun is simply having our best interests in mind. Imagine if we gain some information that enrages us, and we immediately try to take action, without seeing the whole picture. To prevent such mistakes, I believe we shouldn't do anything until we have learned everything.”

The words of Grand Master Wu Chen seemed reasonable, but there were still a few who wanted to complain. Before they could cause a ruckus, Yue Qingyuan stood up.

“I agree with Grandmaster Wu Chen. It is best that we do not take any individual, or brash actions before seeing everything. We should not attack each other due to the things that we see and opt for a fair discussion on the best course of action after we have received all the information.”

The Tian Yi Overlook Master turned to his head disciple, to convey his thoughts. “Tian Yi Overlook agrees with Sect Master Yue and Grandmaster Wu Chen. “

With 3 of the 4 great sects agreeing, any dissent that existed immediately died down.

“We also suggest that another condition be imposed. No one should be severely punished for misdoings they commit in the future if they are not exhibiting the same intentions in the present”

“Agreed”, said Grandmaster Wu Chen, stroking his beard. Yue Qingyuan nodded as well.

“Excellent,” responded the Old Palace Master, rising from his seat. “We shall adhere to those conditions. My disciples are setting up an array that will immediately immobilize anyone who tries to act violently or attempts to leave partway.”

Lai Wei bowed towards the Old Palace Master. “Thanking Lao Gongzhu for his understanding and preparations.”

Soon, a fiery purple array rose from all the corners of the room and covered the ceiling.

A few suspicious cultivators eyed the array, assessing it for any treachery, but found it to be perfectly safe.

“Well then, Madam MingYun, you may start.”

The Fortune-Teller held out the scroll, which slowly began to unfurl itself, glowing characters appearing on it. Suddenly it vanished, and in its place, a viewing portal appeared, at the center of the room, growing larger and larger, until it was encompassing most of the hall. There were a few impressed gasps, as they had never seen such an enormous viewing portal.

Is this really a good idea? , thought Yue Qingyuan faintly, looking at Shen Qingqiu, who still seemed uncomfortable. He thought of the painful past they had shared, and the man Shen Qingqiu had become because of it. Who knew what exactly this fortune teller would show them anyway? Yue Qingyuan knew that nothing would devastate Shen Qingqiu more than his carefully crafted image falling apart. They had crawled from the very bottom of society, to stand at the very top.

If this Fortune-Teller somehow exposed any of that, in front of the whole cultivation world….

Shen Qingqiu had become pale and for a moment, he caught Yue Qingyuan’s eye, and his breath faltered.

That nervous look in his eyes- it had been so long since he had seen such emotion from him.

“Xiao Jiu....”, murmured Yue Qingyuan, a wave of dread overwhelming him.

He began to stand up, ready to voice opposition-
But it was too late.

The room turned dark, and nothing but blackness could be seen in the viewing portal- before it exploded into color, and an image appeared.

“The seeds of the present shall grow into the vast, branching tree that is the future”, murmured the Fortune-Teller.

“Now, let it begin”

Fate is a fickle mistress - Chapter 1 - Liu Su Mian Hua (Applesmylife123) - 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System (2024)


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Author: Rob Wisoky

Last Updated:

Views: 6492

Rating: 4.8 / 5 (48 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.