40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (2024)

These are 40 of the best cute and easy animal drawing ideas!

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (1)

If you’re looking for easy animal drawing ideas, you’re in the right place.

In this post, you’ll find a variety of cute animal drawings to inspire and help you to work on your drawing skills.

Cute and Easy Animal Drawing Ideas

As someone who loves to draw, animals happen to be one of my favorite subjects.

They are a great way to work on those artistic skills!

When I start a drawing, regardless of whether animals or shapes, I always begin with a pencil.

I like using pencil first because I find it to be the easiest to sketch with and I can quickly erase any lines that I don’t want.

After I complete my drawing with a pencil, I go back over the drawing with either a black pen or marker. Adding color to my drawings is always the very last thing that I do.

This is the method that I used when I created these easy animal drawings.

One of my favorite things about animals is that they are great subjects to draw regardless of your skill level.

There are endless ways to practice drawing animals through basic shapes, lines, and patterns.

So regardless of where you are on your drawing journey, I hope you find several easy animal drawing ideas here that spark your creativity!

40 Easy Ideas of Animals To Draw for Beginners

I’ve included a variety of different animal drawings here. Everything from wild animals, to farm animals, majestic animals, and even cute domestic animals.

Ideas for Easy Wild Animals To Draw

Here are some wild animals that I drew, I hope that these ideas are helpful.

Many wild animals have distinct characteristics like stripes and spots, making them a lot of fun to draw! Try switching up the patterns and shapes on some of these wild animals to make them extra unique.

1. Giraffe

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (2)

When drawing a giraffe, a simple way to begin is with basic shapes like an oval for the nose and mouth.

Giraffes have a long neck and a small head, with a variety of spots over their body.

To create this giraffe I started with the nose, followed by the head, body, and tail. The last thing I drew were the spots. A fun way to make each of your giraffe drawings one of a kind is by using simple shapes for the spots in different patterns!

2. Snake

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (3)

To draw this snake, I started with the head. From there I drew the long body using simple lines. To finish this snake drawing, I sketched a cute face and a long slithering tongue!

3. Lion

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (4)

My favorite thing to focus on when drawing a lion is the lion’s mane. The mane is a great way to add texture and color to your lion drawing.

Lastly, I draw the cute facial features. You can really bring out the personality of different animals simply by changing their facial expressions.

4. Tiger

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (5)

​To begin this easy tiger drawing, I started by using an oval for the face and then sketching an outline of its body.

Tigers have distinctive stripes which I always draw last. Getting creative with your tiger’s stripes is a good way to make each of your tiger sketches unique!

5. Gorilla

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (6)

When drawing a gorilla, I find it to be helpful to focus on the gorilla’s large and muscular body. I always begin with the head of the gorilla and then sketch the body. Lastly, I fill in the gorilla’s facial expression.

6. Kangaroo

This kangaroo is a fun animal to draw! Be sure to include its long hind legs, smaller front legs, and large tail. And of course, remember to give the kangaroo a cute expression!

7. Squirrel

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (8)

This little squirrel I drew perched up on its back legs with a cute and curious expression on its face.

8. Elephant

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (9)

These huge creatures are actually easier to draw than they may look. When I was first starting to draw I felt a bit intimidated about drawing an elephant. But with practice, they’ve come to be one of my favorite animals to draw.

9. Baby elephant

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (10)

Since elephants are one of my favorite animals, I wanted to include a cute baby elephant example as well.

To begin this baby elephant drawing, start with a large circle for the face, then draw the legs, ears, and trunk. Finish your drawing by giving the baby elephant gentle eyes.

10. Monkey

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (11)

These adorable animals are full of so much personality making them a great subject to draw!

I love to change up the arm and leg positions of monkeys. Also, consider giving them different facial expressions like a mischievous grin.

Easy Drawing Ideas for Farm Animals

I wanted to include some drawings of iconic farm animals here like cows, pigs, sheep, etc. Farm animals have simple features that make them great subjects to draw regardless of skill levels.

11. Cow

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (12)

One of my favorite things about cow drawings is how their body is truly made up of simple shapes.

Circles and ovals for the head and body with rectangular legs. I like drawing the white cow with black spots because I find it adds to the drawing. But there are several colors you can use for your cow drawings!

12. Chicken

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (13)

Chickens are fun farm animals to draw. Consider using different colors and shapes for feathers!

13. Goat

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (14)

I started this goat drawing by sketching an oval for the head and a larger oval for the body.

I then drew the horns, ears, legs, and tail. Sketching lines on the horns of the goat is an easy way to add more detail to your drawings. Lastly, I draw the eyes, nose, and mouth on the head of the goat.

14. Pig Drawing

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (15)

To draw a pig, you’ll use 3 ovals. Start with an oval for the head and an even bigger oval for the body. Use a smaller oval on the face for the pig’s nose. Lastly, draw the eyes, ears, legs, and a curly tail!

15. Horse

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (16)

​Here is an easy drawing of a horse. I like using different colors and textures for the horse’s mane and body.

16. Sheep

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (17)

To draw a sheep, I like to begin with a cloud like shape. I then draw the face and legs.

17. Duck

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (18)

Begin drawing your duck by sketching a large oval circle for the body and then a smaller oval circle for the head. From these two shapes, you can add wings, tail feathers, a bill, and of course the sweet eyes!

18. Llama

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (19)

The llama’s fluffy coat makes these cute and easy animals to draw! Try using different facial expressions and colors on your llama drawings.

19. Turkey

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (20)

Turkeys are fun to draw because you can get creative with their feathers and facial expressions. Color these creatures in to give them even more personality!

Easy Drawing Ideas of Majestic Creatures

Here are some ideas for majestic creatures you can bring to life in your sketchbook or doodle pad!

20. Swans

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (21)

A way to simplify drawing a swan is by focusing on the graceful neck and body. With a few easy steps, you can capture the elegance of this creature!

21. Polar Bears

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (22)

To draw a polar bear, start with its large rounded body and then draw the head. Lastly, sketch the ears and legs of the polar bear. I chose to give this polar bear a sweet and friendly expression!

22. Mandarinfish

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (23)

The fun patterns on this Mandarinfish make it a great subject to sketch! You can get very creative by using different patterns and colors with this drawing.

23. Whale

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (24)

Remember to add eyes and a smile to your whale drawings. Consider adding a blowhole to make your whale drawing even more realistic.

24. Drawing a Peaco*ck

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (25)

This peaco*ck is full of patterns and bright colors! Drawing a peaco*ck can be a bit more challenging than some of the other animals.

However, by focusing on basic shapes and lines you can master this animal drawing. After you’ve created your sketch, use a variety of colors to really accentuate the beauty of the peaco*ck.

25. Penguin

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (26)

To draw this cute little penguin I started with a circle for the head and an oval for the body. I then drew the wings, feet, eyes, and beak. Using black and white coloring on your penguin completes this cute creation!

26. Easy Drawing of a Flamingo

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (27)

Flamingos are actually quite easy to draw, especially with a little practice. Think of the flamingo body as being an S shape, and their legs positioned in the shape of a number 4 or backward 4.

27. Eagle

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (28)

To draw an eagle I like to begin by sketching the hooked beak. I then proceed to draw the head and the body. The last thing I draw are the legs and the eyes.

28. Panda Bear

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (29)

I love drawing little pandas. These are great to draw even for beginner artists. The basic shapes and combination of white and black make these special critters come to life on paper.

One of my favorite things about pandas is their expressive eyes. To draw this panda’s eyes I started with two upright ovals. Outside of the ovals I used a rounded triangular shape for the eye patches. Inside each of the ovals, I drew a smaller circle.

Easy Drawing Ideas of Adorable Animals

I hope you enjoy these easy drawings of cute animals!

29. Hedgehog

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (30)

I always start my hedgehog drawings by sketching the outline of the face. I like to use the face as the middle point of the drawing for hedgehogs.

After I’ve drawn the outline of the face I then draw the body using rounded spiky lines to represent its quills.

30. Sea Otter

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (31)

Sea otters are such playful and cute animals! I like to draw my sea otters floating on their backs with a sweet expression on their face. If you’re looking for easy animal drawing ideas, this sea otter is a good one to try!

I use squiggly lines to demonstrate the water surrounding the sea otter. Try drawing a sea otter with its eyes closed floating peacefully!

31. Koala

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (32)

Koalas have such cute big ears! I start my koala drawings by creating an outline of the face and body.

After the face, I draw the big ears, followed by the legs. Lastly, I draw the eyes, nose, and mouth.

32. Cute Puppy Dog

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (33)

For dog-loving kids and adults, this cute puppy dog sketch is always fun to create!

This sketch of a puppy has been a good old standby for me. It’s been a doodle that has filled many sketch pads and notebooks throughout my life.

33. Bird

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (34)

I like to start my bird drawings with basic shapes for the body and then add the wings, beak, eyes, and legs. Try drawing a bird sitting on a tree branch or nestled up in a tree in a bird’s nest.

34. Fox Drawing

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (35)

Foxes have distinct bushy tails and cute faces making them fun animals to draw! Be sure to include details like the pointed ears, expressive eyes, and the slender front legs. 🙂

35. Draw a Bunny

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (36)

Bunnies are easy animal drawing ideas that fun to get creative with! Experiment with using different colors and patterns on this bunny drawing to make it even more unique!

36. Cat

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (37)

To create this cat drawing, I started with a circle for the cat’s head. I then sketched the body and tail. Lastly, I added in the ears, paws, tail, facial features, and of course…the whiskers!

37. Raccoon

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (38)

Capture the mischievous personality of a raccoon by sketching its masked face. Adding details like the striped tail and a little grin completes the drawing!

38. Turtle

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (39)

One of the best ways I’ve found to draw a turtle is by starting with the turtle’s shell.

After the shell is drawn, I then sketch the head and legs. Lastly, I like to draw a little pattern on the shell of the turtle to represent the texture of the shell.

39. Hamster

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (40)

Drawing cute little hamsters is quite easy, especially with practice! To begin drawing a hamster, I always start with a large rounded shape for the body, then I add the ears, eyes, a little nose, mouth, and tiny paws.

Try using different colors for your hamster drawings to give them even more character!

40. Starfish

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (41)

The distinctive star shape of the starfish makes these a fun and easy animal drawing ideas! I start with a star like shape but round the points of the star, making the end points softer.

Experiment with using different lines, dots, or colors on the starfish to bring this underwater creature to life!

Other Easy Drawing Ideas You May Like:

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Final Thoughts On Easy Animal Drawing Ideas

Drawing is a creative activity that allows you to bring creatures from the animal kingdom to life on your paper in just a few simple steps.

Animals have always been some of my favorite subjects to draw. I love adding cute facial expressions, a variety of patterns, and different colors to my animal drawings.

I hope these sketches have been inspiring and that you have so much fun creating your own animal drawings!

40 Easy Animal Drawing Ideas (Cute Animals to Draw) - The Clever Heart (2024)


What is a really easy animal to draw? ›

When you're learning how to draw animals, your beloved pet dog is a good place to begin. Dogs are easy to draw once you understand the basic technique, but bear in mind that different dog breeds have different physical features.

What is the hardest animal to draw? ›

What Is the Most Difficult Animal to Draw?
  • Horse. Horses are challenging to draw due to their complex anatomy and the need for accurate proportions. ...
  • Elephant. The size, skin texture, and unique body proportions of elephants make them a challenging subject. ...
  • Tiger. ...
  • Human. ...
  • Lion. ...
  • Fish. ...
  • Cat. ...
  • Bird.

What is the simplest animal? ›

A cross section showing structures inside of the body of a Trichoplax, the simplest known animal. It has only six different types of cells. Sponges, another simple type of animal, have 12 to 20 cell types. Fruit flies have around 50 cell types and humans have several hundred.

What is something cute and easy to draw? ›

Here's some inspiration for things you can draw with simple lines: Portraits: Draw a friend or family member, or even a self portrait. Landscapes: Draw a forest, a mountain or beach using only lines. Animals: Draw a cat or dog, or even try a butterfly or elephant.

What is the easiest pet ever? ›

With these considerations in mind, let's explore the top 10 easiest animals to care for
  • #8: Hamster. ...
  • #7: Rabbit. ...
  • #6: Ferrets. ...
  • #5: Birds. ...
  • #4: Turtles. ...
  • #3: Reptiles. ...
  • #2: Rodents. ...
  • #1: Fish. We're hesitant to include fish as the #1 easiest animal to care for, as some fish require extensive and frequent maintenance.

Are humans or animals harder to draw? ›

Most student's chose a pet that was theirs at some point in their lives. I found that even though we didn't even get to the watercolor stage, and likely wont, that most of the students ended up feeling like I do and that is that drawing animals is even more difficult than drawing humans.

What is the hardest part of a human to draw? ›

Hands, for example, are universally accepted as one of the hardest things to draw well, even for professional artists. But a lot of what someone finds difficult to draw can depend on the artist's personal art interests and experiences.

What is the hardest letter to draw? ›

Did you guess it? If you said the letter 's' you are right. There is a bit of debate on which letter is THE most difficult to draw, but my vote is with the letter 's'. It is unrelated to any other letter form.

How can I draw best? ›

How to draw anything – learn sketching for beginners
  1. 1 Warm up + practice hand-eye coordination. ...
  2. 2 Start with basic shapes + light lines. ...
  3. 3 Refine, check angles and edges, add solid lines, and volume to your drawing. ...
  4. 4 do lots of loose quick sketches. ...
  5. 5 Focus, contrast, details.
Sep 12, 2023

What is the most easiest to draw? ›

So, to get you inspired, here are 10 easy things to draw for beginners.
  • Trees. ...
  • Birds. ...
  • Butterflies. ...
  • Eyes. ...
  • Faces. ...
  • Mandalas. ...
  • Cupcakes. Cupcakes are arguably one of the most fun sweet treats around. ...
  • Lamps. Drawing a lamp might not sound especially exciting at first, but it's more interesting than you may think!
Feb 8, 2024

Is it easier to draw people or animals? ›

I frequently talk about how doing portraits of a person can be one of the most frustrating things that an aspiring artist can attempt to do.

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The first and easiest animal to catch is the squirrel. These rodents are not at all hard to find. They are located everywhere and can be hunted via various hunting methods such as small caliber rifles or shotguns.


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

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Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.